Tobi Tarwater
University of Chicago Booth School of Business | Executive MBA Ranking
RankOverall rank | | 6 |
Personal development and educational experience | | 5 |
Quality of students | | 16 |
Pre-MBA salary of students, $ | 169,886 | 7 |
Work experience, years | 13.0 | 45 |
Managerial work experience, years | 7.0 | 49 |
Rating of culture and classmates, out of five | 4.51 | 21 |
Student diversity | | 9 |
Number of industry sectors from which students applied | 14 | 5 |
Percentage of women students | 22.6 | 58 |
Geographical spread of students, rating out of 100 | 60.9 | 5 |
Quality of faculty | | 11 |
Rating of faculty by students, out of five | 4.75 | 2 |
Percentage of full-time faculty with a PhD | 97 | 36 |
Ratio of full-time EMBA faculty to EMBA students | 0.17 | 62 |
Student rating of teaching quality, out of five | 4.79 | 1 |
Programme quality | | 7 |
Student assessment of facilities, out of five | 4.53 | 15 |
Student assessment of programme content and electives, out of five | 4.59 | 3 |
Student rating of relevance, out of five | 4.54 | 20 |
Number of compulsory overseas assignments lasting more than one week | 2 | 24 |
Rating of the ease to which students can keep in contact with fellow students/faculty when off campus, out of five | 4.46 | 25 |
Career development | | 8 |
Career progression | | 32 |
Rating of the extent to which the programme has helped students fulfill pre-EMBA goals, out of five | 4.56 | 18 |
Percentage of students who have been promoted or grown their own company since graduation | 67 | 47 |
Salary | | 8 |
Percentage increase on pre-EMBA salary for alumni, on leaving the programme | 37.1 | 30 |
Percentage increase on pre-EMBA salary for alumni, after one year | 64.8 | 5 |
Percentage increase on pre-EMBA salary for alumni, after two years | 47.8 | 16 |
Base salary of EMBA graduates, $ | 232,988 | 8 |
Networking | | 9 |
Number of overseas MBA alumni branches | 39 | 19 |
Student assessment of the helpfulness of EMBA alumni | 4.26 | 10 |