RankOverall rank6Personal development and educational experience5Quality of students16Pre-MBA salary of students, $169,8867Work experience, years13.045Managerial work experience, years7.049Rating of culture and classmates, out of five4.5121Student diversity9Number of industry sectors from which students applied145Percentage of women students22.658Geographical spread of students, rating out of 10060.95Quality of faculty11Rating of faculty by students, out of five4.752Percentage of full-time faculty with a PhD9736Ratio of full-time EMBA faculty to EMBA students0.1762Student rating of teaching quality, out of five4.791Programme quality7Student assessment of facilities, out of five4.5315Student assessment of programme content and electives, out of five4.593Student rating of relevance, out of five4.5420Number of compulsory overseas assignments lasting more than one week224Rating of the ease to which students can keep in contact with fellow students/faculty when off campus, out of five4.4625Career development8Career progression32Rating of the extent to which the programme has helped students fulfill pre-EMBA goals, out of five4.5618Percentage of students who have been promoted or grown their own company since graduation6747Salary8Percentage increase on pre-EMBA salary for alumni, on leaving the programme37.130Percentage increase on pre-EMBA salary for alumni, after one year64.85Percentage increase on pre-EMBA salary for alumni, after two years47.816Base salary of EMBA graduates, $232,9888Networking9Number of overseas MBA alumni branches3919Student assessment of the helpfulness of EMBA alumni4.2610
