In 2004, Larry Ray's wife attempted to divorce him, and called the police on him for hitting her. As noted by The Cut, when the police arrived, Larry claimed that his wife was the abusive one, and had been harming their 15-year-old daughter Talia. He was given temporary custody of Talia. Soon, she would accuse her grandfather, cousin, and aunt, of abuse as well. Using a strategy he would employ again while living with the students from Sarah Lawrence, Larry created websites featuring extremely graphic accounts of abuse against Talia and his younger daughter by many people, especially her mother.

Investigators ultimately determined that Larry's wife had not abused their daughters. A psychological evaluation of Larry from the time stated that it was impossible to get a genuine evaluation because he was "able to manipulate and control almost any situation." Examiners found that Talia's descriptions of the abuse seemed rehearsed, while her younger sister stated that her father had told her to say her mother had hit her, but she never had. Larry lost custody, but Talia did not go back to live with her mother, instead chosing to stay in shelters.

In 2006, Larry Ray's wife accused him of violently attacking her. Larry told a detective at the time that he was being targeted due to a "major government investigation," and that his wife had made up the incident to discredit him. 

If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233. You can also find more information, resources, and support at their website.
