In a devastating incident that has left the community of Goodman in shock, 17-year-old Holmes County Central wide receiver Clyzavion Landfair was tragically killed in a drive-by shooting. The promising young athlete’s life was cut short, leaving behind a legacy of talent, dedication, and potential.

Who was Clyzavion Landfair?

Hailing from Lexington, MS, Clyzavion Landfair was a talented wide receiver for the Holmes County Central High School’s varsity football team. Known for his athleticism and unwavering commitment to the sport, Landfair played a pivotal role in the team’s success during the 2021 season. His exceptional performances earned him numerous accolades, including several “Man of the Match” titles. His dedication not only contributed significantly to the team’s achievements but also served as an inspiration for his fellow team members and the broader community.

Clyzavion Landfair: A Promising Career Cut Short

Despite his young age, Landfair’s skill on the football field was undeniable. He was a key player for Holmes County Central, consistently delivering standout plays that showcased his athletic prowess. His performances were a testament to his individual talent and a source of motivation for his teammates. Landfair’s tragic death is a heartbreaking loss of potential, as he was just at the beginning of what promised to be a bright career in football.

Bradley Davis

I found a couple of plays in our sports archive of Clyzavion Landfair, the young 17-year-old man and Holmes County Central student senselessly gunned down today in Goodman. Whether Clyzavion’s future held football or not, it was robbed from him too soon. I wish I had more video, but I felt like I should share what I do have.

Clyzavion Landfair Shooting, What Actually Happened to Clyzavion Landfair?

The tragic incident took place on Wednesday at noon near the BP gas station on Highway 51 in Goodman. According to Sheriff March, a single vehicle fired 50-60 shots into another vehicle at the gas station. The vehicle carrying Landfair fled the scene, pursued by the assailant vehicle for approximately a quarter of a mile down the road.

Tony Tru

BREAKING NEWS just in both Holmes County Mississippi Sheriff Willie March and Holmes County Coroner Dexter Howard that Holmes County Central football student-athlete Clyzavion Landfair has been killed in a shooting in Goodman this afternoon in a drive by shooting at a gas station.Sheriff March says there were 50-60 shots fired from one vehicle into the other at the BP gas station on Highway 51. The car Landfair was in drove away and was chased by the car shooting at them for about a quarter mile down the road. Landfair was killed; three others have been injured.Prayers for the families and all involved.

Clyzavion Landfair Death: How Did he Die?

Following the shooting, Landfair was swiftly transported to a nearby hospital. Despite the best efforts of medical staff, he succumbed to his injuries. The Holmes County Coroner officially identified the victim as Clyzavion Landfair and announced that his body would undergo further examination through an autopsy at the State Medical Examiner’s office.

A Community in Mourning: Remembering Clyzavion Landfair

The news of Clyzavion Landfair’s tragic death has left the community reeling. The loss of such a promising young life is deeply felt by his teammates, friends, family, and the entire community. As we remember Clyzavion Landfair, we mourn the loss of a talented athlete, a dedicated team player, and above all, a young man with his whole life ahead of him.
